Fallout shelter special combat
Fallout shelter special combat

fallout shelter special combat

I consider that we must have or start to prepare a full fallout shelter. To be honest, I don’t know how much of this is true, but I think the majority is. items that may have to be used in combat, let's say in the period January. Luck determines how often a dweller will get a critical hit chance (I think). Agility is really important, because it determines dweller attack speed, a.k.a. Set in the award-winning Fallout universe, Fallout Shelter Online is an evolution of the original strategy RPG, with all-new hero teams, gameplay, and PvP. Intelligence isn’t really important in combat, although I guess you could say it impacts speech checks. Two Dwellers will decide to embark on a romantic snuggle if you place a male and a female together in the Living Quarters room. In the cannon Fallout series, Charisma determines if you will be able to pass a speech check or not. Fallout Shelter Trailer - Fallout Shelter at E3 2015.

fallout shelter special combat

Charisma determines how well a dweller is at persuading others. Endurance determines dweller HP, so more endurance means that as the dweller levels up their HP with increase more. Wasteland explorers are being trained across all stats.Strength determines the chances of dealing higher or lower damage (if the weapon has varying damage, that is), Perception determines how fast the arrows move on the critical hit HUD, higher Perception slowing the arrows, and it also can be considered accuracy, although that isn’t actually present in-game. As my vault improves I'll have an excess of workers, so I'll try to train everyone in endurance and possibly strength/perception. Personally, I'm training the primary stat and luck for my stay-at-home dwellers, though I'm phasing out diners/gardens and water production as I introduce more Nuka Cola bottlers. In the wastes, success against a specific enemy type seems to be influenced by a specific stat (excluding endurance which seems to be a purely defensive stat). Strength may increase damage (though it's not certain this applies within the vault) and perception may increase aim/hit rate and thus overall damage. (see this question and the links within the answer). However, there is some thought that some of the SPECIAL stats affect combat. Giving your dweller a massive Charisma boost of 7, the reason this outfit makes the top 5 is quite easy to explain. The only difference based on level is the dweller's total hit points, and the cost to revive them. Not just the Lucky Nightwear variant, any Nightwear is absolutely crucial, especially in the early stages of your Vault’s development. Agility and intelligence are probably a waste of time for dwellers who won't be exploring the wastes.

Fallout shelter special combat